...Episode Twenty Nine
Oliver is having more trouble with his tractor, and everyone
seems to think that the farm is getting him down. This is
compounded when he starts seeing a spotted horse that nobody
else ever seems to see.
Lisa calls in a doctor and even tries to slip Oliver a
"mickey." It turns out that a circus truck had overturned and
several animals had escaped. Mr. Haney is paid by the circus
to round up the animals and he informs the Douglas's that
Oliver is not going crazy.
The show ends with Oliver being smashed through his front door
by an escaped boxing kangaroo.
Oliver starts to see a spotted horse that nobody else ever sees
The Douglas's own an original Mattisse, Gauguin, Renoir, and
Mr. Haney's wife has blonde hair (He tries to charge the circus
guy $5.00 to have it dyed back from when the ostrich caused it
to turn white