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filmways presentation, dahling
Green Acres
...Links O'plenty!
  1. "Oliver and Lisa" on the Smothers Brothers
  2. Smiley Burnette - Cowboy Comic - You knew him better as conductor Charlie Pratt of the Cannonball!
  3. 8 of the Most Glamorous Lisa Douglas Looks
  4. What the Cast did After Green Acres
  5. The Final Resting Place of the Hooterville Cannonball
  6. Classic TV Hits Green Acres Site
  7. The Hooterville Trilogy
  8. 100 Greatest TV Characters
  9. Frank Inn Obituary
  10. Camp Green Acres
  11. Green Acres' DVD Season Two Review
  12. Green Acres Inn
  13. Xena Acres
  14. Interesting Ideas
  15. An Episode Guide
  16. Green Acres Trivia from IMDB
  17. Song Parody
  18. Green Acres School
  19. Organic Eddie
  20. Green Acres on ESPN?
  21. Arnold on Snopes
  22. Eva Gabor Gallery
  23. Wikipedia: Hooterville
  24. A Sid Melton Interview
  25. A Green Acres Timeline
  26. Green Acres-A Tribute
  27. A Site About...Pumpkin
  28. Eva Gabor's Death
  29. Jethro's (Max Baer, Jr.) Casino
  30. A Blog Entry about the Season 2 DVD
  31. Green Acres Trivia Pages
  32. Frank Cady and Family Biography
  33. Senior World Magazine: Alvy Moore
  34. Bernie Kopell on Green Acres
  36. Haynie's (so close!) Green Acres Christmas Tree Farm
  37. "Mr. Kimball" for President
  38. The Hooterville Twitter Page
  39. Old Time Radio Show Catalog
  40. Spice Designs (My sister's interior design company)
  41. Some Green Acres Episodes Reviews
  42. Victoria's Folly" The French Renovation ~ Life and Survival in Southwest France (With some Green Acres thrown in!)
  43. National Livestock Producers Association
  44. The Vehicles of Green Acres
  45. Green Acres Home Center
  46. Arnold Ziffel in Court?!?
  47. The Television Academy Presents: Vic Mizzy

Know of any OTHER Green Acres or Green Acres related sites or are any of the ones I have listed "defunctificated?"   Email me and I'll add or delete them quicker than you can say, "Hootersville, dahling!"