...Episode One Hundred and Sixty Eight
Oliver decides to take a course on Organic Farming at the State College.
Rather than being home alone bored, Lisa decides to take a course as well.
One of the few courses taking place on the same nights as Oliver's course is
Psychology...so she enrolls.
Oliver's studies are slow and methodical, however Lisa burns through Psychology
book after book and seems to excell in her studies.
Soon, she begins treating various people of Hooterville...She patches up problems
with Eb and Darlene, removes Mr. Kimball's mental block, cures Arnold's depression,
and removes Mr. Drucker's bundle of repressions.
Oliver puts his foot down and makes Lisa stop her Psychology studies before she
gets in trouble for practicing without a license, and Lisa agrees to switch courses...to Nuclear Physics!
Lisa in her Psychology class
Lisa curing Mr. Drucker's repressions
Lisa's Psychology class was Tuesday and Thursday, room 102, taught by Mr. Hoffman
We find out Lisa is actually very smart when she puts her mind to it...unfortunately, she explains it as: "I'm a fast reader,
I have a retarded mind!"