...Episode One Hundred and Sixty Six
It's time for the Annual Carpenter's Ball, and Oliver doesn't want to go. Neither
does Mr. Kimball, because Ralph has her eyes set on him for the date!
Lisa concocts a plan to get Mr. Kimball to ask Ralph to the dance, so Lisa asks
Mr. Kimball to be HER date! Rumors start flying around the valley, and Mr. Kimball
gets fired!
In the end, all ends well, Oliver, Lisa, Mr. Kimball, and Ralph all end up going
to the Carpenter's Ball on a double date. Despite his original protests, Oliver
seems to have enjoyed himself...he wins
third prize in the beauty contest, but breaks his thumb in the nail driving contest.
Haney tries to sell Mr. Douglas a date to the ball
An awkward double date
The Carpenter's Ball tickets sell for $.50 each...this includes a
steak and lobster dinner, with champagne, two dance bands, and $500.00
in door prizes.