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filmways presentation, dahling
Green Acres
...Episode Thirty Three

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Oliver and Lisa tell the story of how they met.

Oliver was flying a bomber mission during World War II when he was forced to parachute out of his plane. Lisa, a sergeant in the Hungarian underground, captures him and the rest is history.

After the story is complete, the town finds out that the Bing bug is destroying their crops. Oliver rents a plane from Mr. Haney to crop dust the fields, but the plane is so old that it crashes and Oliver is forced to parachute out.

Once again Lisa "captures him" and Oliver is informed that he is a hero. The plane crashed into his cornfield and the smoke from his crops burning frightened away the Bing bugs. He also owes Mr. Haney $12.00 for the parachute (since it opened) and $68,000.00 for the airplane.

The show ends with Lisa performing the spiel about farming that Oliver usually does, and he kisses her to shut her up.

Eb has a conversation with Carl the scarecrow

Even Oliver can't keep the crows away from his tiny ears of corn

Sergeant Lisa during her days in Hungarian underground

Oliver is inducted into the Hooterville 4F's-Former Fighters of Foreign Fracases

In the World War II flashback, Oliver's superior tells him that if he is captured and placed in Stalag 13, that he should ask for Hogan

To prove Oliver is an American, Lisa asks him if he has any nylon stockings

In one of the shows most risque jokes ever, Sergeant Lisa wears a slinky dress and pulls down one of her straps, and the Germans ask if this is a "booby trap"

The Bing bug got its name, because when he rubs its antenna together, you hear a tiny bing
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